Friday, February 23, 2018

My Experience with MailSpring on Linux

My Experience with MailSpring on Linux

Email was a significant improvement over its predecessors. Instead of physical messages passing hands several times, a message could be sent at the speed of light as a series of packets to anyone attached to the same network. Email changed the world.

Now email is old tech. But things that are old have a way of becoming new again. IRC is pretty old tech, but its latest evolution via Slack, RocketChat, and Discord seem to have given new life to the ideas behind IRC.

In the space of email, many companies have put effort into creating a clean interface to help people manage their inboxes. My least favorite of all of these is Microsoft Outlook, which I’m required to use at work. Between its lack of theming and limited functionality (work turned off the RSS feed reader) it epitomizes critical mass stagnation.

Microsoft isn’t the only one who’s tried to solve the email problem. Google entered the space with Gmail, which has gone through a couple of interface redesigns. Mobile reduced our inboxes to tiny screens, where each pixel represented a valuable piece of real estate. This pixel scarcity furthered the design of email interfaces.

Continue reading My Experience with MailSpring on Linux at Freedom Penguin.

from Freedom Penguin

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