Monday, February 26, 2018

Google Plans to Add Support for Containerized Linux Apps to Chromebooks

While most Chromebooks out there are already capable of running Android apps, it would appear that Google wants to add support for running Linux apps on a container or virtual machine to its Chrome OS operating system.

Google is apparently working on Project Crostini for Chrome OS  to allow Linux VMs on Chrome OS, according to a Reddit thread, which points to a recent Chromium commit explaining a new device policy designed will allow Linux virtual machines to run on Chrome OS if it's set to true.

"If the policy is unset or set to true, running Linux VMs on Chrome OS is allowed. The unset is allowed means non-managed devices are allowed. At this time, in order for Linux VMs to run, the Finch experiment also needs to be enabled. After this feature is fully launched, the Finch control lo... (read more)

from Softpedia News / Linux


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