Learn how the leiningen utility can help you manage your Clojure projects.
This article is a gentle introduction to the Clojure Functional Programming language that is based on LISP, uses the Java JVM and has a handy REPL. And, as Clojure is based on LISP, be prepared to see lots of parentheses!
Installing Clojure
You can install Clojure on a Debian Linux machine by executing the following command as root or using sudo:
# apt-get install clojure
Finding the version of Clojure you are using is as simple as executing one of the following commands inside the Clojure REPL, which you can enter by running clojure
# clojure
Clojure 1.8.0
user=> *clojure-version*
{:major 1, :minor 8, :incremental 0, :qualifier nil}
user=> (clojure-version)
user=> (println *clojure-version*)
{:major 1, :minor 8, :incremental 0, :qualifier nil}
The first command gets you into the Clojure REPL, which displays the user=>
prompt and waits for user input. The remaining three commands that should be executed within the Clojure REPL will generate the same output, which, in this example, shows that Clojure version 1.8.0 is being used. So, if you're following along, congratulations! You have just run your first Clojure code!
The leiningen Utility
The first thing you should do after getting Clojure is to install a very handy utility named leiningen, which is the easiest way to use and manage Clojure projects on your Linux machine. Follow the instructions at leiningen.org or use your favourite package manager to install leiningen on your Linux machine. Additionally, if you are using Clojure all the time and working with large Clojure projects, tools like Jenkins and Semaphore will automate your build and test phases and save you lots of time.
After installing leiningen, use the lein
command (which is the name of the executable file for the leiningen package) to create a new project named hw:
$ lein new hw
Generating a project called hw based on the 'default' template.
The default template is intended for library projects,
not applications. To see other templates (app, plugin, etc),
try `lein help new`.
The preceding command will create a new directory named hw that will contain files and other directories. You'll need to make some changes to some of the project files in order to execute the project. First, you'll need to edit the project.clj that can be found inside the hw directory and make it as follows: